Resurrection - "Come and See...Go and Tell"

Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20

Can this really be happening?
Jesus' resurrection is not a doctrine; it is an event. Christian life has many teachings but none would be known or noticed without what happened that Spring morning, 1986 years ago. Jesus wasn't like other religious founders who labored years to build a religious community. If Jesus had simply stayed in the tomb, nothing would have happened. A different world.

God’s Gift of Life in Jesus

Romans 5:6-17

Out of Death – Into Life
Today is a focused concentration of all Christian faith. It marks its distinct character. All flows first from events announced as “Good News,” Gospel – actions of God in his world. Thus deeply miraculous! Not in the common idea of a distant god breaking into the orderly laws of nature to do something strange. But the Creator of that wonderful order, who also pervades it, working within it to show a deeper reality than we ordinarily perceive.